P h o t o G a l l e r y
George Corley Wallace, witnessed first-hand the suffering of the Depression, became a star athlete in high school and outstanding boxer at the University of Alabama, graduating with a law degree. He bravely served in World War II as a member of a B-29 bombing crew. Following his military involvement, he became an attorney and well-respected judge in his home state, Alabama. He was elected four times as its governor. The consummate politician became one of the most polarizing political figures during his early tenure. As a presidential candidate, an assassination attempt left him paralyzed. He recanted and apologized for his pro-segregation stance and went on to fight for the rights of all people, black and white.
S e g r e g a t i o n
George Wallace (standing in door at left in a suit) refuses to allow two Black students to register at the University of Alabama in 1963. Minutes later Governor Wallace stepped aside and the students were allowed to enter. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
The largely symbolic showdown in 1963 took place at the door of the campus auditorium, where students registered for classes. Wallace stood in the auditorium doorway as Jones and James Hood approached, flanked by National Guard troops.
Wallace made a speech about states' rights, then stepped aside to let the students in.
R e d e m p t i o n
Meeting with Dr. Joseph Lowery and others who reenacted the Selma to Montgomery Civil Right March
"Indeed a historic moment."
E a r l y L i f e
High School Football
U. of Alabama Law School
U. of Alabama Boxing Team
Air Force Crew - WW2
F a m i l y
Mother Announces Candidacy, 1966
With My Stepmother and Her Sons
Family Portrait, Governor's Mansion, 1978
A l a b a m a G o v e r n o r
On the Campaign Trail with Voter
Fire and Brimstone
Introducing Dad at his 4th Inaugural, 1983
R u n n i n g f o r P r e s i d e n t
With My Sister, Lee
Lee Serving Dad Lunch
Assassination Attempt, 1972
In Holy Cross Hospital After Being Shot
W i t h N a t i o n a l L e a d e r s
With President Johnson
Me, Dad, and Jimmy Carter, 1976
Welcoming President Ronald Reagan, 1986
W i t h W o r l d L e a d e r s
With Margaret Thatcher in London, 1984
With Chiang Kai-shek, Taiwan President
With Italy's Prime Minister, Aldo Morro
W i t h C e l e b r i t i e s
With Elvis, 1977
With Tammy Wynette, 1982
Tammy & George Jones
Dad & Me on Mike Douglas Show
L u r l e e n W a l l a c e
Dad's Inaugural Reception, 1963
"I Will Make You a Good Governor"
Mother (Governor) with Paul "Bear" Bryant
F a i t h
Ethel Kennedy Visiting at the Hospital, 1972
Meeting Pope John Paul II, 1984
Brother in Christ, "Amen."
L a t e r Y e a r s
With My Sons and JFK Jr., 1995
Old Friend, Connie Harper Hugs Dad
Visiting Dad With My Two Sons, 1995
S e p t e m b e r 1 3, 1998
Funeral Procession, Montgomery, AL
Alabama State Troopers Carry My Father
Father's Burial Vault
T h e A u t h o r
At Six, During Dad's 1958 Governor's Race
Being Sworn in By My Uncle Judge Jack Wallace
The Author & Wife, Elizabeth